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The Maison Arthus-Bertrand is the benchmark for medals and makes it a point of honor to illustrate all the important stages of life. Birth, baptism, communion, marriage, merit medals or even non-religious ceremonies: for every occasion, a unique and timeless Arthus Bertrand jewel will accompany you!
The history of the Arthus Bertrand brand
It was in Paris, in 1803, that Claude Arthus Bertrand, an officer in the imperial army, opened a bookshop on the quays of the Seine. He then became the official publisher of the Ministry of the Navy. A few years later, the publisher's grandson, born under the same name as the latter, took over from his grandfather at the head of the bookshop and met Marie-Adelina Marion, whom he married in 1861.

At the same time, Michel-Ange Marion, an officer in the revolutionary army, had his own embroidery business. He created army flags and decorations in the same uniform, and gained fame for the quality of his work, his silks and his rich embroideries. He worked for the prestigious Légion Étrangère, and in 1852 became the official supplier to Napoleon III.
These two French families were finally reunited through the marriage between Claude, the bookseller's grandson, and Marie-Adelina, Michelangelo's granddaughter. This union will give birth to a Michel-Ange Arthus Bertrand, who, in 1889, will sell the bookshop to devote himself entirely to the embroidery Maison, which he will rename "Arthus Bertrand".
The company continued to grow in importance and prestige, notably with the release of baptismal medals and jewelry of character in the 1920s and 1930s, in collaboration with illustrious artists of the time. Today, headed by Nicolas Arthus Bertrand, who belongs to the sixth generation, Arthus Bertrand has become the official supplier of medals and decorations to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Still made in France, in workshops located in Saumur and Palaiseau, Arthus Bertrand jewellery is imbued with exceptional traditional know-how, thanks to the rich technical heritage handed down by the nine generations of master craftsmen who have worked for the brand.
Today, the Maison Arthus Bertrand is a true benchmark in the field of medals and decorations, offering contemporary creations designed to accompany you at all the most important moments in your life. In addition to offering high-quality jewellery, the Maison makes it a point of honour to innovate and diversify in order to continue to develop.
The brand's aim is to harmonise creativity, technical excellence and profitability thanks to three fundamentals at the heart of its DNA:
- Diversification of activities ;
- Invention and adaptability;
- Traditional know-how.
Performance, solidarity, transparency and the pleasure of entrepreneurship are all strong values that have made the reputation and notoriety of the brand, which has been successful for over two centuries!
Prestigious orders
Arthus-Bertrand has an honorary status and has been entrusted over the years with very prestigious orders concerning the highest symbols of belonging, such as the Grand Collier de la Légion d'Honneur of the President of the French Republic, the sceptre of several monarchs, the baton of command of most French marshals, the sword of many academics and many ceremonial flags.
The brand also had the honour of being chosen to hand-engrave the signet rings of many great French families, and even launched the fashion for pins in 1987 for the Roland Garros tournament!
Since its creation, Arthus Bertrand has also had the opportunity to work in collaboration with great artists, such as Hilton Mc Connico (American designer and artist), Claude and François-Xavier Lalane (a couple of designers and sculptors), Jean-Charles de Castelbajac (stylist and art collector) and Nathalie Decoster (sculptor). Through these collaborations, the Maison invents or reinvents new and unique pieces and collections, adding to the long list of original creations by Arthus Bertrand...
At that time, Maison A. Augis did not yet have a workshop, and their medals and other jewellery were made in the Arthus-Bertrand workshops. The two complementary manufacturers share a common cultural vision in terms of quality, brand culture and customer relations. It was therefore natural that in 2012 the two companies joined forces to become partners, creating a single group. Maison Augis, a jeweller founded in Lyon in 1830, became a jeweller in 1907, and it was in 1910 that the first collaboration between these two masters of jewellery was born.
At that time, the Maison A. Augis did not yet have a workshop, and its medals and other jewellery were made in the Arthus-Bertrand workshops. The two complementary manufacturers shared a common cultural vision in terms of quality, brand culture and customer relations. It was therefore natural that in 2012, the two companies came together to become partners and create a single group.

Arthus Bertrand jewellery
Maison Arthus Bertrand manufactures all its jewellery in France, and is committed to offering quality pieces, made from the most environmentally friendly materials possible, in order to limit its impact. 60% of the gold used to make the jewellery is recycled gold, and the remaining 40% is supplied by a company that is a member of the RJC (Responsible Jewerly Council, which guarantees that the gold does not come from any conflict zone and that it is extracted, transported and marketed in accordance with practices that respect people, the environment and social rights) and is CoC certified (Chain of Custody, an organisation that attests to the good environmental and social practices of the players in the entire supply chain).
Baptismal pendants, crosses and medals
Today, the Maison Arthus Bertrand is best known to the general public for its religious medals. The brand also offers a number of non-religious pendants, which can be offered on the occasion of a birth, a secular christening or a birthday for example.
The religious models are available in yellow gold 750 thousandths, white gold 750 thousandths or mother-of-pearl, in order to offer the most complete range possible so that each customer can find what he or she is looking for. The representations are varied, including the most traditional motifs such as the Virgin Mary, the Child Jesus or the Dove of Peace, but also more specific motifs such as the Saints or the Merovingian Cross for example.
For non-religious pendants and medals, Arthus Bertrand offers a range of adorable designs such as hearts, stars, trees of life, etc.
All the jewellery can be engraved to include a personalised message, and to have real meaning for both the person giving and the person receiving it. From a godfather or godmother to their godchild, from a husband to his wife or from a mother to her child, everyone can find an opportunity to give an Arthus Bertrand jewel as a gift, in order to pass on a message of love that can be worn every day and kept for life.
The bracelets
An essential piece of christening jewellery, the bracelet is a precious piece of jewellery that the child can keep for the rest of his or her life. Arthus Bertrand offers an attractive range of bracelets that can be personalised with an engraving, to inscribe the message of your choice. Generally, the child's first name and christening date are inscribed on the bracelet, or the date of birth if the gift is intended for a baby who will not be christened.
In addition to the most traditional designs such as the calisson or the all-gold rectangle, the brand also offers original designs such as an adorable little cloud, or a tablet decorated with a symbol, religious or not, such as a dove or a tree of life for example! To mark the occasion and please the new mother even more, Arthus Bertrand also offers adult-sized bracelets, which can be given as an echo to the child's jewellery!
The Miraculous Virgin medal
Anchored as a true symbol of Christianity, the Miraculous Medal is a flagship product! Available in many colours, this small pendant has become not only a religious symbol, but also a piece of jewellery that can be worn as a fashion accessory.
Stamped for more than two centuries in the Arthus Bertrand workshops, the Miraculeuse is constantly being reinvented. A fetish object, it can be worn as a pendant or slipped onto a cord on the wrist, like a small everyday talisman. Available in yellow gold, rose gold or white gold, all gold or decorated with coloured enamel, this little medal works just as well on its own on a chain as it does when worn as an accumulation or as a mix'n'match!

The Tree of Life
A symbol of growth, representing the importance of roots in construction and development, the tree of life is a motif that has been found in many cultures for hundreds of years. Arthus Bertrand places it at the heart of several of its creations, in order to offer jewellery with an emblem that brings protection and accompanies the child in its choices and its path in life.