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Arthus Bertrand jewelry chains bracelet

Arthus Bertrand Bracelets

Arthus Bertrand Bracelets

The bracelet chain Arthus Bertrand, a jewel for a lifetime

The Arthus Bertrand bracelet chain is one of the first pieces of jewelry given to a child or baby, on the occasion of his or her birth or baptism. Precious and eternal, it slips around the wrist and grows with the wearer, while retaining its splendor. A must-have gift, the bracelet is imbued with great symbolism. Generally offered by the godfather or the godmother, in a secular or religious purpose, the bracelet is not a jewel like the others. Vector of emotions, it will create an unbreakable link between the person who offers it, and the one who receives it.

Engraving offered on your Arthus Bertrand bracelet chain

It is customary to have a bracelet chain engraved with a date (that of the christening or birth for example), a first name or initials. Of course, you can also choose to engrave a personal message that is meaningful to you, which can then serve as a mantra or guide to the child, for example. Lepage offers you free engraving of your jewelry, so you can personalize your gift and offer a unique piece! Make your choice from the selection of Arthus Bertrand bracelets offered on our e-shop, jewelry made of 18k gold (750 gold) and manufactured in France, according to the traditional jewelry-making know-how of this renowned company. Decorated with a pastille or a calisson without artifice, with a secular or religious motif, Arthus Bertrand bracelets are precious jewels that cannot be ignored !