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Arthus Bertrand Cross Pendants

Arthus Bertrand Cross Pendants

A cross pendant for a communion or a baptism

On the occasion of a baptism or a communion, a precious pendant in the shape of a cross is an ideal jewel to offer. Marking the belonging to a religion and the belief in its faith, it is a jewel that is worn close to the heart on a daily basis, and that will accompany the child all his life. Alone on a pretty chain, or slipped near his baptism medal for example, the result will be as aesthetic as symbolic!

Arthus Bertrand: jewelry made in France 

Discover on a nice selection of cross-shaped pendants signed by Arthus Bertrand, a historic Maison dedicated to the manufacture of baptism medals and honorary decorations for over two hundred years! All Arthus Bertrand jewelry is made in France, in Saumur, using traditional methods and know-how. Made of 18k gold, the creations offered on are pendants of very high quality, which meet the standards of excellence that the Maison Lepage has set for itself in the choice of its partners, including Arthus Bertrand for many years.