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Women rushes

Women rushes


Origine bangle pink gold and diamonds

Brand Collection
Origine - So Shocking Origine - So Shocking
Jewel material
Rose Gold 750 th
Women rushes

The women's bangle : a bracelet in the air of time

With its simple elegance, the rush is an essential bracelet. In a classic all-gold version or accompanied by precious stones, it is a jewel that slips naturally onto your wrist and accessorizes each of your outfits with taste. In yellow gold, white gold or rose gold, the wedding band is a jewel that has been present for thousands of years in many cultures, such as the African, Indian or Egyptian cultures for example. To be worn alone or in accumulation, the wedding band is a bracelet for women that can easily be combined with many looks. Of a refined sobriety, this jewel is the ideal gift. Birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, birth... think of the rush bracelet! In a rich and creative version or a classic and discreet one, it is always a good idea, and will surely please the woman or the girl to whom it is intended...