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Arthus Bertrand Medals

Rain of Stars medal in yellow gold
Tree of Life pebble medal in yellow gold
Tree of Life medal in yellow gold
Galet Ange de Raphaël en or jaune
Galet Arbre de vie en or jaune
Tree of Life pebble medal in yellow gold
Galet Colombe en or jaune
Young Starry Virgin pebble medal in yellow gold
Dove with Stars medal in yellow gold
Galet Colombe aux étoiles en or jaune
Galet Vierge priante en or jaune
Médaille Vierge Adorazione en or jaune
Médaille Arbre de vie empreinte en or jaune
Médaille Ange de Raphaël en or jaune
Médaille de Baptême Ange Penseur en or jaune
Médaille Vierge Jeune en or jaune
Powdered pink Miraculous Virgin medal in pink gold
Médaille Vierge Miraculeuse bleu ciel en or jaune
Médaille Vierge Miraculeuse bleu roi en or jaune
Médaille Vierge Miraculeuse bleu aqua en or jaune
Médaille Vierge Miraculeuse rose pétunia en or jaune
Médaille Vierge Miraculeuse vert émeraude en or jaune
Médaille Vierge Miraculeuse ivoire en or rose
Médaille Vierge Miraculeuse en or jaune
Médaille de baptême Divine Tendresse en or jaune
Tree of Life pebble medal in yellow gold
Pendentif Croix Huguenote en or jaune
Médaille Jésus Enfant en or jaune
Médaille Notre Dame de Grâce en or jaune
Médaille Vierge au Baiser en or jaune
Gourmette Arbre de Vie en or jaune
Ancilla Domini medal in yellow gold and mother of pearl
Médaille Christ Benissant en or jaune
Médaille Cœur aux Etoiles en or jaune
Médaille Hostie de Carthage en or jaune
Médaille motif Mérovingien en or jaune
A specialist in christening medals for over two hundred years, Arthus Bertrand offers a wide choice of 18k gold (750 gold) medals made in France. Adorned with secular or religious motifs, these christening medals are jewels that will last a lifetime!
The medal, a pendant like no other
Because of its symbolism, a medal does not have exactly the same status as a fancy pendant. Whether adorned with a religious or secular motif, the medal is usually given to a baby or child, on the occasion of a birth or a baptism. It is also a jewel of choice if you wish to give a gift to someone important to you, to celebrate a special event such as a birth or a birthday. Unlike other pendants, the medal is generally a piece of jewelry that can be personalised with an engraving, thus offering a unique piece of jewelry, which will contain a message or an inscription rich in meaning. Initials, dates, first name, motto... Choose the engraving of your choice and personalise your Arthus Bertrand medal!
The christening medal, the jewel of a lifetime
As the first piece of jewelry, the christening medal is of particular importance. Whether given at a Christian or Republican christening, the christening medal celebrates a newborn's entry into a community. In principle, it is the godfather or godmother who offers the medal to his or her godchild, choosing it carefully. Decorated with the Virgin Mary, a guardian angel, a patron saint or a dove of peace, the religious medal is a jewel that will follow the child throughout his or her life, accompanying him or her like a protective talisman, symbolizing his or her faith and divine protection. Adorned with a heart, a tree of life, an animal or another adorable motif, the secular medal can be offered as well on the occasion of a republican baptism as a birthday for example!
Arthus Bertrand medals, jewelry made in France
Of high quality, Arthus Bertrand jewelry is all made in France. The medals, like other jewelry such as pendants, bracelets and bracelets are fashioned in white, yellow or rose 18k gold (750 gold), in order to offer you the finest quality gold possible. Discover a fine selection of Arthus Bertrand medals on our e-shop and in the Lepage boutique, official retailer of this fine jewelry Maison!