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Yellow gold bracelets

Yellow gold bracelets

Yellow gold bracelets

The yellow gold bracelet: a sunny and bright jewel

It radiates on the wrist and seems to catch all the light... The yellow gold bracelet is definitely a jewel of choice! The yellow gold bracelet is sometimes presented in an all gold version, sometimes married with other materials such as ornamental stones or pearls. One thing is for sure, it is a jewelry box essential!

What you need to know about 18k yellow gold (750 thousandth yellow gold)

18k gold (750 gold) is an alloy made of 75% pure gold and 25% other metals. Why don't jewelers use 100% pure gold? Simply because gold is a very malleable metal. It is not possible to work with it when it is pure because it is too soft. The jewel is easily deformed! This is why we prefer 18k gold (750/1000 gold). Yellow gold is very appreciated in jewelry because it is the natural color of gold but also because it is a sunny shade that embellishes all skin tones!