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Fine and ornamental stones rings

Fine and ornamental stones rings


Octo ring in yellow gold and onyx

Brand Collection
Colette - Lepage Octo - Lepage
Jewel material
Gold 750 th
Fine and ornamental stones rings

Fine and ornamental stones, colorful gems

Did you know. Precious stones are to be differentiated from fine and ornamental stones. By abuse of language, it happens that some stones of this second category are called precious stones, but this specific appellation actually designates only four stones: diamond, sapphire, emerald and ruby. All other natural stones are divided into two (or even three) categories. The fine stones include all the stones known as "transparent", as opposed to the opaque stones, also called hard stones or ornamental stones. Finally, we can also distinguish the organic stones, which are the mother of pearl, coral and amber. Among the fine stones we find amethyst, tourmaline, topaz, aquamarine, citrine, quartz or rhodolite for example. Among the hard stones we can mention notably lapis lazuli, malachite, tiger's eye, onyx or even turquoise, moonstone and carnelian for example.

Rings adorned with fine or ornamental stones: everyday jewelry

Today, beliefs in lithotherapy are increasingly widespread, and contribute to the success of jewelry adorned with fine and ornamental stones. Although it is not a recognized science, lithotherapy refers to an unconventional medicine lending specific virtues to different natural stones. Thus, wearing skin jewelry adorned with these stones would be beneficial for the body and the mind, in addition to making us enjoy their beautiful colors. Discover a beautiful selection of gold rings 750 thousandths adorned with fine and ornamental stones, signed Lepage or the biggest names in jewelry: Ginette NY, La Brune et La Blonde, Claverin, So Shocking ... Crack without delay!